I am a game developer that loves unifying and empowering others by being a part of a community!

Featured Projects:

VR Sailboat Simulator

Virtual Reality Sailboat Simulator Using Unreal Engine 5

Senior Design Project

Throughout the Winter 2024 and Summer 2024, I was working on a Senior Design Project with a client that wanted a Virtual Reality Sailboat Simulator using Unreal Engine 5.  I collaborated with 2 teammates to develop a virtual sailboat, implementing full functionality and physics, using Unreal Engine's blueprint map system and OpenXR plugin I was able to utilizes virtual reality to simulate a sailing environment and level design, similar to that of the Caribbeans, using Unreal Engine’s OpenXR, water plug-in, Unreal Engine's Landscape and Unreal Engine's blueprint system. During the development, my team and I uses Agile Software Development to collaborate with client and teammates, serving as Scrum Leader to develop leadership skills. 

Awards Won: Senior Design 1 Pitch Competition

Fortnite Horde Mode

Fortnite Horde mode using Unreal Editor for Fortnite (UEFN)

Lead Game and Level Designer

Throughout the Summer 2024 academic semester, I created a Fortnite Horde mode, which is a similar game mode to Call of Duty Zombies. My teammate and I were using Unreal Editor for Fortnite to make this game mode. I was the Lead Game and Level Designer to create the map. I firstly made a paper prototype of the map to help me get a general idea of the map. From blocking out the level in Unreal Editor for Fortnite, I was able to create a proper level, using Fortnite's assets and tools. When I was blocking out the map, I was placing an individual barrier that doesn’t allow the player to move out of the playable area. This allowed for smooth transitions and making sure that the player doesn’t move out of the playable path and there is much of a needed resource when it comes to making these maps. I also put vehicles and other objects in order to make it seem like there is a path and the individual barriers look natural. Furthermore, I was able weather dynamics that sets an unsettling mood to the map. We are currently publishing the map!

Island Code: Coming Soon!


A Bullethell Tower Defense Game from Developers of Dearborn

Director and Lead Game Design

Throughout the Fall 2021 and Winter 2022 academic semester, I assumed the roles of Director and Lead Game Designer for a team that comprised of 15 students engagning in a two semester-long project. The premise of the game was that the player controlled a character, strategically placing towers, and evading projectiles while simultaneously safeguarding the central entity, the Brood Mother. 
As Director, I adeptly organized the team into sub-teams, fostering effective collaboration through regulary scheduled weekly meetings.  My leadership ensured effective communication among all sub-teams, thereby enhancing overall project cohesion. Additionally, leveraging the Unity system, I successfully implemented a top-down movement system for the in-game character and contributed to the development of an intricate shop system. These contributions played a pivotal role in the successful realization of our envisioned game.

Clubs and Experiences

AccelerateKID, Kids+Entrepreneurship+Tech

Technology Education Impact Instructor

April 2024 - Present

I am designing interactive technology education curriculum that would be for different age groups and skill levels ranging from elementary school students to high schoolers. Some of the technology I have taught are Unreal Editor for Fortnite, UnityVR, Java, Python, 3D Printing, Minecraft Studio, Scratch, and Roblox Studio

Developers of Dearborn

Co-founded the video game design club, Winter 2020, at the University of Michigan-Dearbon. During my first year at the club, I was elected to be Community Manager. During my term, I oversaw the organization of six diverse events throughout the semester, which ranged from Game Nights to Guest Speakers. Currently, I am an adviser looking over and helping out fellow club members grow in game development and as individuals. 

Student Association for Filipino Americans

During the acedmic year of 2022-2023, I was elected as the Vice President-External,  I was able to network and collaborate with other Filipino-American college groups around the Midwest area. Our highlight of the summer was that our organization, along with Oakland University's Filipino-American organization, was able to create a Charity Gala that raised $1,200 dollars that goes toward the P.U.S.O. organization, a charity based in the Philippines.