About Me

Hey! My name is Kirk Daniel (he/him) and I am a Computer Science Major that has a concentration in Game Design at the University of Michigan-Dearborn.

This one word is everything to me as a designer, programmer, and human being. My definition of a community is a group of people having common goals and/or characteristics. I am part of different communities, from being part of my Filipino club, the oldest immigrant child, to being a gamer. When designing and programming games, I am determined to create a community that brings all sorts of people together to achieve a common goal. 

Stepping away from my professional interest, I am a huge fan of mangas and anime. My favorite manga of all time is One Piece. Also, I love to play video games during my spare time. My favorite games are Destiny, TFT, and League of Legends. Finally, I love cooking foreign foods, and seeing the smiles of my friends and family trying my food always brings me great joy. 


Bachelors of Science in Computer Informational Science with a Game Design Concentration

2020 - 2024